

The name grdw are all the unique consonants of my first name (Gerard), followed by the first character of my last name (Westerhof). I’ve been an engineer since 2013 and have contributed to a lot of projects in various shapes and sizes.



Solder — Backend for Integrations WeTransfer

A golang project that enabled asynchronous Transfers between various storage providers to-and-from WeTransfer. The first provider to be added was Dropbox.

MeTransfer — Core WeTransfer

Hackathon project I led in 2022 for which I won a prize. The idea here was to use locally available networks to transfer files between a single users’ phone and laptop in order to save on storage costs. Roughly 28% of Transfers send at WeTransfer were transfers of a user to themselves. This was build in less than a week and roughly based on an article I wrote “How to copy a file between devices?” which was briefly featured on the front page of Hackernews in 2024. This project led to investigative work into WebRTC / ICE / STUN / TURN, and eventually to a proof of concept at the mobile team of WeTransfer.

Decommissioning the old download-server — Backend core WeTransfer

Assisting in turning off and replacing the old download-server which at the time had about ~500 req/s. Switched from Ruby to Golang.

RichUrls — Backend for the Collect product

A small service used to enrich links that are shared in a Collect board.

Spaceship — Backend for the Collect product

A backend for the Collect product at WeTransfer. I worked on this project for more than 2 years at WeTransfer. I helped to integrate the newly launched Android application. Furthermore, I introduced Operational Transform (OT) to help assist with syncing data across multiple users and multiple devices, saving tons of redundant syncing requests. I helped with onboarding Auth0, a new identity provider which was used across the organization.

ETLocal — Local energy transition platform

At Quintel Intelligence they needed a project to help municipalities and provinces to help with their more localized energy transition needs. This took the national energy model and scaled it down to the appropriate level.

Symbid / Gambitious — Online crowdfunding platform

Building new features, maintaining the full stack at Holder.


This website features no trackers except those that are enabled by third parties. I have no idea who is visiting, how many people are visiting, from where and why they are visiting. I sincerely don’t care about any of it. If you feel like checking the source code, you are free to do so.

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